
Fast and Easy
Submission of Application for Payday Loans


Terms and Conditions

Dear site users!

We draw your attention to the conditions and legal restrictions on the use of the site (the “Site”) that belongs to Ohio Wind. Your continued use of this Site constitutes acceptance of the terms below.

Content of the Site

The information on the Site is addressed to an unlimited number of persons and is not an individual recommendation; it is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as an offer or recommendation to take out a payday loan.

The opinions expressed on the website reflect the solely personal opinion of the author.

When matching you with a lender, we cannot guarantee that you will be fully satisfied with the loan rates and terms. The available loans may not be suitable for all investors. For more information, please contact your lender directly.

Warranty and Disclaimer Statement

Despite the fact that the information posted on the Site is obtained or collected from trustworthy sources (in our opinion), we cannot guarantee and does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, up-to-dateness or completeness of any information or data provided to you. Neither Ohio Wind, nor any of its employees, nor any third party will be liable of any kind for losses or damages incurred as a result of malfunctions or interruptions in the operation of the Site or as a result of any or other action or inaction of the parties involved in the creation of the Site or the provision of data contained on the Site and open to you, or for any other reason related to your access to the Site, as well as the inability to access or use by you services offered on the Site. Ohio Wind does not guarantee the accuracy of the information stated directly or indirectly for any purpose, nor does it guarantee its suitability for a specific purpose. The services that can be obtained through the Site are provided without any obligations and guarantees. Ohio Wind is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of using the information contained on the Site for personal purposes. Under no circumstances and in no case, Ohio Wind will not be liable to you for any direct, indirect, accidental or other loss of any kind.

Copyright and other links

When downloading any information from the Site, you agree not to copy, erase copyright notations, and other links, fragments of the page related to copyright.

Links to third-party websites

When clicking on a link posted on the Site to other Internet resources, the user leaves this Site. The Site Administration is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness and reliability of information on third-party resources. Links to other resources are made for the convenience of the user, and this does not mean that the Site Administration approves the content of these resources or is responsible for them.

Use of jurisdiction

The information provided on the Site is not intended for distribution or use by any individual or legal entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use is contrary to the law or regulations. The content of the Site has not been approved for countries other than the USA. Some products and services may not be available in some US states.

Changes to the Site

The Site Administration reserves the right at any time without special notice to make changes, delete, correct, supplement, or in any other way update the information posted in all sections of this Site.

Confidential information

With regard to personal data, including the name, phone number and email address provided by users when filling out feedback forms, the Site Administration adheres to the published Privacy Policy.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, we would love to hear from you. To contact us, please use one of the methods given on the Contact Us page.